We are the

Wolverton Science and Art InstitutE FUND.

The aim of the Wolverton Science and Art Institute Fund is to promote the education and in particular in Art, Science and related subjects for people who are residing, studying or working in the Parishes of Wolverton and Stantonbury.

Educational grants are given according to individual application. They may be used to help with the cost of books, materials, course fees or travelling.

Please note: The charity does not provide grants for professional fees or for items or services that the local authorities normally provide.

Registered charity no. 310652


A harmonius partnership…

A harmonius partnership…

We provided £200 to Mr S to help cover his travel costs to Liverpool and Italy for interview and tuition whilst progressing his orchestral career.

Lighting the way…

Lighting the way…

We awarded £500 to the popular Wolverton Lantern Festival to provide materials for lantern making, supporting pupils at various Wolverton Schools.

Helping to manage the future…

Helping to manage the future…

We awarded £400 to Mr B to help cover the cost of tools, books and course fees for his second year at university studying Forestry.

Get in touch

All applications should be sent by letter or email to the Secretary of the Wolverton Science and Art Institute Fund. To find out how to apply or download the form, click here.

The charity meets three times a year to consider applications. It replies to all applicants, whether or not they can help them.

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